Now this building has always intrigued me, I pass by
a couple times a week, to date I haven't been able to
find out much about its history, but a NZ Ghost web
site seem to be the only real information on the web.

One of the neighbours to this building has confirmed
that it was haunted as himself and other neighbours in
the area often hear children playing and laughing and
also a groaning noise. I am yet to confirm if this building
was in fact an orphanage and I would be very grateful to
look at any information anyone may have on this building.

One lady did say that prior to the church owning it,
the Salvation Army owned it, & prior to that it
had indeed been an orphanage for children,
I asked her if the buildings out the back were
part of the original structure (as it looks different to
the front facade, & is very long).
she said it is all original 1886 & that it was a school
as well as an orphanage.

A little more about Carlile House...
I was driving in the neighbourhood, & thought I would
take a look from the other side (dickens st),
I noticed wording on the outside of the building, so I pulled into
the car park behind the church. This I think would have
actually been the main entrance when it was a Childrens
home, but a toilet block has been built in front of it.
It is a large pale brick structure, & up on the top storey
reads "DEO JUVANTE" which is Latin for "with god's help"
& on the lower storey in large letters is "CHILDRENS HOME 1910",
so this possibly changes course for us again.
Perhaps Carlile house was the first buit (as it is very different
in appearance from the outside) & this is possibly an add on
after. I have had a quick look on the net to see if I can find
any schools/children's homes listed, but the most I have
come up with at this stage is back then children's homes
were different from orphanages, anything else I have found
for that era seems to be pointing to church groups, so it will
probably be under that umbrella.

I will keep looking, as now I am growing a slight obsession as
it just seems to be getting more interesting & challenging.

Stories and information from
I'll see what other information I can find, but I'll let you be the judge...
Great to see yet another photographer snapping awesome Tamaki Makaurau. You already have some great photos and I look forward to seeing more of Auckland through your lens.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks.